Castile soap half-bars curing in open cedar box.

Castile soap half-bars curing in open cedar box.


Would you like to purchase our basic Castile soap? The one that we mill with oils, herbs and naturals. 

Here it is in hand crafted half-bars. We have a batch curing now. It will be ready for shipping April 15.

Ingredients: Saponified (premium lye is used to convert oil and the fat in goat milk into soap. This is the only way to make real soap)

Olive oil

Coconut oil

Farm direct unprocessed Goat Milk

Each very small batch is carefully handcrafted. This means slowly measuring, stirring, warming oil, testing temperature, testing for Ph, and hand filling molds. Once bars reach a neutral Ph (7) they are cured for a minimum of 8 weeks. 

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Each half bar is individually wrapped, closed with stitches of embroidery thread, and a paper ingredient stamp.

The half bars range from 1.5 ounces to 1.75 ounces in weight.

By size the half bars are approximately 1 inch high, 2 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. 

To purchase Castile half-bar soap – Etsy site go to our Etsy website – EonsSoapandUnguents.